Virgin Hair Bleach | How To Bleach Virgin Hair

If you are looking to take that new bundle of virgin hair and bleach virgin hair, Maxtress Hair has a great step by step process for you to follow in order to make sure you get the most out of your hair investment.

The key to bleaching virgin hair extensions, because you may find your self buying from a hair vendor that does not offer products in the color you want or you may want to go lighter if you feel a color isn’t for you, is doing it safely as well as effectively.

So let’s delve right into an easy way for you to do the virgin hair bleach process right in the comfort of your home.

Video Tutorial

Items needed:

-Powered Bleach (Kaleidocolors is a recommended brand)

-Cream Developer

-Applicator Brush

-Mixing bowl

-Wide toothcomb

-Neutralizing shampoo

-Protein Treatment




First take your bundles of virgin hair, which you can get from Maxtress Hair, and detangle with your fingers to make sure the virgin hair bundle is nice and unraveled. Fold the hair in half and secure it with butterfly clips.

Next you need to mix your bleach. Start off with two scoops in your mixing bowl and eyeball the developer adding just enough for a creamy consistency. Mix it until like that of a cake batter. Once it’s creamy and smooth, you are ready to start.



Now take the mix and start at the ends of the hair, laying the mixture on pretty thick but evenly across the bottom. Make your way up the hair until about midway and then flip the hair extensions over, repeating the same process. After you have done it on that side, flip it one more time to comb through by starting at the top or what some may consider the root, of the hair.

It is very important to make sure you get every crevasse of the hair all the way up to the track, making sure it is completely covered with the bleach mixture. Again, you want it evenly applied on all areas so that you have complete color when everything is said and done. Remember this is achieved by combing the color through. This is important for the actually virgin hair bleach process. .

Once you are done applying the mixing, wrap the hair and let it sit for about fifteen minutes so that the processing of the color/bleaching to take place.

Next, check the hair to ensure it is the color that you want. If everything is good, you can move on to the next step. If not, let it sit a little longer to get what you want.



After the color meets your satisfaction, it is time to rinse. This part of the process is extremely important in making sure the chemicals are out (amongst other things) so that you don’t damage your own hair once the tracks are sown in. Rinse, rinse, and rinse again… thoroughly.

After you have done that, apply the neutralizing shampoo. Motions makes a good one. Make sure it is fully saturated and evenly distributed. Once you have rinsed the shampoo from the hair, apply a protein treatment. This is a good practice because you want the hair you are putting on your head to look as natural and healthy as possible and just like our own hair needs a protein treatment, so does the hair extensions for the same purposes. It really helps to keep the hair nice and strong.  ApHogge Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor is a great protein treatment to use. Allow it to sit for the allotted time, combing through the hair to get good coverage.

Rinsing is obviously a very involved process and one that you should not skimp on. After you apply the protein treatment and rinse it out, you need to also treat the hair with a deep conditioner and a leave in conditioner. ApHogge Balancing Moisturizer for the deep conditioner and Motions Nourish Leave-In conditioner are excellent choices. Rinse the deep conditioner and comb the leave in through the hair and let dry.


Final Product

When the hair is done, if you want it to be lighter, you would simply go through the process again. Some people look at what it takes to get the hair the way that they want and decide that it is too much, but you have to remember that it will be well worth getting the perfect color. After all, you are going to wear the hair for an ample amount of time and reuse it.

This is a simple DIY (do it yourself process) that Maxtress Hair has created for your virgin hair extension wearing pleasure. Follow the instructions and you will  have exactly what you are looking for and that’s what we call doing life your way.

Maxtress Virgin Hair